I walk out from my house. I’m quite sure that my dad is still alive. The question is, where is he? If I were dad, where would I go? Is he going further out or back to the city? It will be hard to find him, especially when no one is around to be asked. Night is only a few hour away, I should think fast.
After thinking quite much about this, I decide to head back toward the city. I’m sure dad doing the same thing like me. I bet he’s trying to find me and head to the city. I shall try to search for place to rest that I miss when I came here before.
I walk around house by house, calling out to my dad. But, no matter how hard I called, no reply can be heard. Most of these houses owner are dead. Their deaths are horrible and hard to explain, just like those in the city. It’s really relieving though, when I saw some of those houses fully empty without any trace of death body. That’s mean there are more survivors around. But, how come I haven’t met them at all?
The sun almost sets now. The sky is red like burning. It’s really beautiful. I exhale some air from my lungs. I can’t find dad before nightfall. It’s best to stop searching for now.
I look up to the western sky, gazing at the setting sun. Suddenly, a smoke come out and goes up to the sky. A survivor?! It must be! There was no smoke before. The smoke comes from the big park to the west.
I run as fast as I can to try to reach the source of fire. Maybe it’s dad! But, then again, it’s maybe not. It could be anyone. Even though I know that fact, I can’t stop hoping it is dad. Whether it will be dad or not, at least I will meet someone alive and normal like me.
I running across the park, passing trees one by another. The sun is already set now. There’s only a little trace of light left behind. Then, I see a glimpse of light from somewhere in front of me. That must be the source of the smoke. I’m getting nearer and nearer to that light.
When I can see the light clearly, I see a campfire near the lake. Not far from there I can see a man sitting on a bench with his back to the fire gazing at the sky. I can’t see his face, his back is facing me.
I approach that man slowly. I want to make sure it really is dad. “Dad?” I said. That man hears me and sees me from his shoulder. “Is that you?” I asked. That man stands and turns to me while saying, “I haven’t married yet. How can I have a son?” He smiles.
Now that he’s facing to the fire I can see his face. He’s not dad, he’s just another survivor. My spirit fall down in an instance. I really thought he was dad. I really want him to be dad. But, he’s not. Though I should be happy seeing someone alive, but right now I’m still suffering from my own false prejudice.
“Billy’s the name. What’s yours, kiddo?” He asked me. His face is kinda scary, but somehow is also gentle.
“Jake,” I replied.
“Jake? Your name is Jake?” he looks surprised.
“Hey, old man!! Come ’ere, quick!” he calls out to the darkness.
I hear footsteps of someone running. I look to the source and see a man running here. I can’t see his face yet though. He stops right before Billy and catching his breath. “What’s wrong?” he asked Billy.
I stand still in surprise. “Dad?!” I call to that man. He turns and looks at me. “Jake?!” He looks as surprised as I am. I can’t believe I can meet dad just when I give up hope.
He run to me and hug me. “I’m glad you’re okay,” he cries on my shoulder.
“Me too dad,” I replied.
“I’m sorry, but your mother…” he stops.
“I’ve been to our house. I’ve seen her, dad,” suddenly tears flowing from my eyes. It’s a mix of glad from meeting my dad, and grief for my mother.
We then sit around the fire, trying to warm our body. Dad, Billy, and I talk a lot about this unexplainable event. They’ve seen more things than me. According to dad and Billy, animals somehow affected by this too, whatever this is. But, it seems that the animals that dead are fewer than those that alive, unlike human. Dad also adds that they become wilder and fiercer. He shows me his wounded arm. He said he was attacked by Brunette’s Retriever. She was our neighbor. I remember that dog used to be tame and even afraid of people. I also tell them my story at the restaurant. They haven’t seen that kind of event before.
“I don’t understand any of this. What’s going on?”Dad seems confused, and so me and Billy.
“You know what? I said we should find others first,” Billy said.
“Other? You mean there really are other survivors?” I asked curiously.
“Hell yeah! What? Do you think we’re the only one alive? Damn, I can’t imagine living in this world with only men around. I’m relieved when I saw a cute chick still walkin’ and breathin’,”
“So, where is she now? And also the other?”
“Away. They were headin’ to next city, hoping it has different fate from this one,” Billy replies. “There were 9 of us, 4 of them came from the city including that chick. Fyu~ She’s so pretty if you ask me. Her long blonde hair. Her hips. Hell, I haven’t seen a girl that darn pretty for a long time. The last time I...”
“Err, can we continue on the other survivor?” I stop him and save myself from what looks like an allnight story.
“Oh. Okay. Where was I? Oh yeah. So your daddy-o and I decided to stay here, looking for you. Three of them went back to the city, seems like lookin’ for their relative, and the rest went to other city.”
“Hmm…” I look up to the starry sky. The moon is up in the sky and shine beautifully. I think going to other town is not a bad idea. Besides, what other option do we have left? Maybe I should ask to Dad and Billy.
“And you know Jake,” Billy starts talking, “that blonde chick was pretty. Hell, if I were younger I would hittin’ that hot chick. Heh, I think you should try to hit her if ya have a chance to meet. I think that chick is suited fer ya. Isn’t that right old man?” Billy asks my dad about this unrelated topic. I shook my head. Maybe it’s not the time to ask. It’s getting late now, we should talked about our destination after we get enough sleep.
“Hey, old man! Are ya awright?” Billy talks to dad. Dad hasn’t answered the previous question from Billy. I look at dad. He doesn’t look well.
“Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m okay,” dad replies. “It’s kinda hot don’t you think?”
“Not really,” I reply. “It’s quite cold here. Are you okay dad? You’re all sweaty.”
“Yeah. Don’t worry,” dad’s answer doesn’t convince me. I know there’s definitely something wrong with dad.
“It’s getting late. Maybe we should get inside one of the house to rest. It’s doesn’t save outside,” dad says.
Me and Billy nod. If animals are become wild and aggressive, it’s better for us to have a shelter. We decided to leave the fire be. Dad leaves a note at the bench in case there are survivors notice the fire.
Suddenly we hear a long howl across the night sky. “We better be hurry,” dad says.
“Yeah. I don’t want to ends up as some canine’s dinner,” Billy replies.
We walk faster than before as we hear another howl behind us. Suddenly we hear running footsteps from behind. It’s not human footsteps. “RUN!” dad orders us. We run as fast as we can. Billy run in front of us, while dad is beside me.
Suddenly dad’s trip over and fall down. “Billy, wait!” I stop and shout at Billy. I don’t think he hears me. I come back to help dad get up. “Come on, dad!” “Sorry, Jake,”
“Speaks of the devil!” I hear Billy’s sound.
Me and dad stand and look at Billy who has stopped running. In front of him we can see at least a dozen of dogs, starring at us just like looking at their preys.
“Me and my bad mouth.”
13 years ago
Sorry for the long waiting guys. I'm busy with my holiday and all. :D
ReplyDeleteDon't worry though. The next chapter is planned to be released on this very week.
The drawback of this? There will be no vote for the next chapter storyline.
The vote will return on chapter 5 to decide on chapter 6 will be.
That was awesome. I just feel, the sadness isn't deal a great impact. maybe you should push the emotion aspect.
ReplyDeleteer, I like it when he met billy, like, oh I got wrong person. Then, jang-jang his dad appeared.
Keep up the good work on twisting plot.
Please pay attention on your pacing, so it's not make the reader boring.